What is a Rainbow Girl?
What are the Stages of Membership?
Some girls have been a member of Rainbow since elementary school. Others didn't hook up with an assembly until they were in college. Regardless of what stage of life you're in, Rainbow has three basic age levels of participation. Though the minimum age requirement is eleven, once you've joined, you're considered a lifelong Rainbow Girl.
Girls ages 7-10 are called Pledges. Though they cannot become a full Rainbow Girl until age 11, they are welcomed and encouraged to participate in many activities including charity work, installations, and many other assembly activities. At this stage, the Pledges enjoy the "big sister" relationships they will form with the older girls as they work and play side by side, absorbing the positive energy that comes from being a good person inside and out.
Rainbow Members (Active)
Girls ages 11-20 are official Rainbow Girls and are involved in every aspect of the organization. At this age, girls can be elected to hold office, travel locally or globally, conduct speaking engagements, oversee charity projects, and participate in all facets of Assembly work. It is at this level that members gain the knowledge and experience that will help them through every stage of life.
Majority Members
Active members over the age of 20 make up the International Rainbow Alumni Association. Invaluable to the organization, these women are respected mentors and help to guide the younger girls through their journey to reaching the "pot of gold." They provide networking opportunities while reconnecting current members with the Rainbow heritage.