Grand Cross of Color Banquet


Grand Cross of Color Banquet will be held in one central location in order to increase participation level and provide a degree for the last two years of Grand Cross of Color inductees to receive the full degree.

Renew your vows on our annual celebration and welcome our newest Members.  

  • Sunday, November 14th 2021 
  • 1:00 pm (to enable safe travel for all ages of our Masters of the Grand Cross of Color)
  • Marlborough Masonic Lodge - 8 Newton Street, Marlborough MA  01752
  • MENU:  Chicken Parmesan or Pasta Primavera with Veggies (served with salad, rolls & butter, beverage of choice)
  • Reservations $15 per person (please indicate Chicken Parmesan or Pasta Primavera with each reservation)
    Reservations DUE by November 8th for caterer deadline  All reservations must be honored.

RESERVATIONS can be made with Patricia Bremner (Dean of the Grand Cross of Color) via text (508) 479-6909 or email  Payment can be sent via check or paid at the door.  Make checks payable to Patricia Bremner.

Registration and proper credentials will be required to attend this event.