Youth Protection Training Courses

Module I - Where We Stand & Why

OBJECTIVE:  Create understanding of IORG position on child wellbeing, the resultant changes in policy and practice, and the Code of Conduct

Module II - Maltreatment & Prevention

OBJECTIVE:  Provide sufficient understanding of maltreatment to inform decision; to explore considerations for prevention, and empowering interactions

Module III - Relationship & Situational Safety

OBJECTIVE:  Heighten awareness of situations in which one individual may exercise influence or control of another to their detriment

Module IV - Taking Action

OBJECTIVE:  Empower participants to know when and how to respond when they observe or suspect abuse

Module V - Assessing the Situation

OBJECTIVE:  Provide information so that leaders can promote positive development and minimize risk behaviors.

Module VI - Prevention & Risk Management

OBJECTIVE:  Explore options for a strength-based approach to working with youth while recognizing potential risks

Module VII - Leader Responsibility

OBJECTIVE:  Clarify roles and empower adult leaders to take action when they observe or suspect abuse